Advanced Information Databases Inc.
Official North American Gateway to the Databases of the European Union.


Access European Community Law!
CELEX on the Web!

Laws being drafted by the institutions of the European Union are affecting the way people live, work and do business. Organizations of all types and sizes need quick access to up-to-date information in this rapidly evolving environment of change. 

CELEX is the computerized system that allows you to search, examine, extract and print European Union law. It contains the whole body of European Community law from the founding treaties to the latest proposals from the Commission for new legislation. Extensive indexing and sophisticated cross-referencing features make it possible to know the state of a legal act at any given point in time. 

CELEX content:

  • Community Legislation 
  • Treaties 
    Secondary legislation 
    National measures 
    Supplementary legislation 
  • Case-law 
  • Preparatory Work 
  • Parliamentary Questions 
  • National provisions implementing directives 


Sources Official Journal of the European Communities - L and C series 
European Court reports
Commission proposals, final documents, etc. 
Updating  Legislation - twice a week 
Court decisions and parliamentary questions - monthly 
Preparatory acts - 1-3 times a month 
National provisions implementing directives - variable. 
Languages  English, French and seven other European Union languages.